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Электрогрелки пеллеты Classic

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Артикул: 720486

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Электрогрелки пеллеты Classic
We offer other heating pads .
The warm spell pads Inatura is also useful for cold days, warm up the cold bed at bedtime, after a warm winter walk and blood circulation cold feet at night television. The pad is filled with cherry stones, which have undergone a thorough cleaning and drying. The fabric used to wrap the pad has been woven specially for this use, it is made ​​from 100% organic cotton, which is very pleasant to the touch and sufficiently durable for years of use. Pellets have an extraordinary ability to absorb and after a surprisingly long time to radiate heat. Their temperature never decreases below temperature of your body and loose refill naturally conforms to the shapes of the human body. For pellets heat up for a few hours is sufficient to put them in the microwave for a few minutes. You can also use a traditional oven or continually let heat up on the stove or radiator. Pellets excel also its strong durability and long life. In summer, the pellets can turn into cool refreshing companion. If you put a few hours in the freezer, you get a cool compress, which finds its use not only on hot days, but also in the treatment of minor burns, zvrtlých ankles, swelling, bruising or bumps. Pads are convenient carrier, a dry cold, and unlike a gel pad in the frozen state retain the ability to perfectly adapt to the shapes of the human body. Pellets is always good to have on hand, serve as a very effective first aid for a number of injuries and health problems with which every family from time to time encounter. The big advantage of warm pads filled with cherry stones compared to competing products with the content of cereal grains is that cherry pads can be safely machine washable. Pecičkám Water does not, on the contrary, they suggest.
Способ применения:
In the microwave oven reheat pad 3 minutes at 700W performance. In a conventional oven pad nahřívejte for 15 minutes, preferably in a ceramic container for use in the oven, and close the lid. During the period of heating pellets rotate. Be sure to keep the temperature below 150 ° C. The pad can continuously leave also heat up on the tiled stove or on a radiator. For a cool compress insert the pillow in the freezer wrapped in a plastic bag or bags. Optimum cooling time is about 2 hours.
Before use, check the temperature of the pad when it is too hot, let it cool for a while. When heating use any outside packaging or coatings on the original pad. From time to time the pad prior nahříváním sprinkle with water, avoid over-drying seeds inside the pad. Please note that the pellets may initially after warming causing a bit moist. It is a natural phenomenon, which after a few warm-up completely disappear. Before re nahříváním are advised to leave the pad to cool sufficiently. To avoid overheating, which can damage the inner filling and packaging. If necessary cushion hand washable and machine washable. Machine washable pad is recommended to insert a protective cloth cover (such as a pillow) so that the seams are protected from damage. OPRAN pad Allow to dry naturally in the air.
1 piece - pillow measuring 27x27 cm, weight 1.2 kg

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