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Грепофит Пиносол аква 20 мл

2 190

Артикул: 718346

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Оригинальное название:
Грепофит Пиносол аква 20 мл
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We offer other products to the respiratory tract .
20 ml
Grepofit Pinosol Aqua is a natural product which is its comprehensive formulation seeks to achieve rapid and most long-lasting effect comparable with chemical drugs. As a foundation contains Tertiary thermal water from the Podhajska hot spring enriched with extracts of sage and Šišák Baikal, grapefruit extract, hyaluronic acid and pure essence myrtus. Our nose not only serves as a part of the respiratory tract, but also filters out impurities that are found in air. Coarse impurities are captured nasal hairs, while smaller particles adhere to the nasal mucosa. On its surface covered with tiny cilia natural mucus, whose constant movement normally allows for a gradual separation of impurities. However, if we are too dry mucous membranes, or if it is too thick mucus, the cilia are limited in movement and their function is reduced. Preventive treatment product Grepofit Pinosol Aqua-based daily hygiene you will achieve gentle cleansing mucosa and reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infection. Very useful is this habit for people who are daily exposed to the air-conditioned premises. Mucous membranes are then recovered, moistened and can prevent the negative effects of prolonged exposure. Effects Grepofit Pinosol Aqua: acts against the common cold and its symptoms, improves breathing and comfort during illness prevents recurrence of the disease, ensures hygiene nasal mucosa, It is suitable for persons living under a controlled environment. An essential factor in the outcome of the speed of deployment of Pinosol Aqua Grepofit . It is best to use immediately after detection of the first symptoms of the disease and recommended the continuation of at least one day after remission.
Способ применения:
Apply as needed always one sprays.
Store in a dry place, away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 10-25 ° C. Do not freeze. Keep out of reach of children.
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