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Hlavin Lavilin Bio Long Lasting Effective Deodorant Stick Стойкий и эффективный дезодорант-стик 50 мл

2 490

Артикул: 421671

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Оригинальное название:
Hlavin Lavilin Bio Long Lasting Effective Deodorant Stick Стойкий и эффективный дезодорант-стик 50 мл
50 мл
Adaptation time: the transition to a healthy deodorant can take a total of 5-7 proper applications, after which you will achieve the most effective individual effect of Lavilin product. Deodorant really works. If the smell of sweat still occurs during the day, there is no need to wash it, just apply Laviline deodorant once and the problem disappears. The effectiveness and duration of action may vary depending on the individual´s lifestyle.
Do not take it internally. Use only as directed. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of the reach of children.
Способ применения:
For maximum effect, apply the cream for the night before going to bed. Apply to armpit, clean and dry skin. Do not use immediately after shaving or on irritated and chapped skin. Let the deodorant dry before dressing. Nevtírejte! Deodorant works on the skin surface! Before first use: Do not use any other deodorant for 48 hours to cleanse and prepare the skin for the effect of Lavilin deodorant and to achieve maximum skin protection. Application of all Lavilin products: Repeat the deodorant application only when the odor appears again. Do not use immediately after shaving or on irritated and chapped skin. Efficiency may vary depending on the individual´s individual lifestyle.

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Артикул: 421671

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Чтобы купить Hlavin Lavilin Bio Long Lasting Effective Deodorant Stick Стойкий и эффективный дезодорант-стик 50 мл с возможностью доставки в Москву, Санкт-Петербург и другие города России по цене 2 490 руб., достаточно сделать заказ на нашем сайте. Обратите внимание на другие товары бренда Hlavin, мы продаем только оригинальные товары с доставкой напрямую из США и Европы. Если у возникли вопросы, обратитесь к специалистам нашего интернет-магазина, будем рады помочь!
